The Black Lighthouse is the ninth chapter of the Uzumaki manga and is a part of the second volume.
After being abandoned for several years, The Black Lighthouse suddenly starts light up at night again. Kirie gets caught in the light beam for just a split second before the beam rotates again. At dinner, the Goshima family talks about The Black Lighthouse, Mitsuo talks about his fascination with The lighthouse but Mrs. Goshima make Mitsuo swear to never go near it.
Some people start walking in circles after being caught in the light beam, even a boat sinks because the crew was walking in circles. Although one was rescued, 2 were still missing.
At a beach, Kirie with her brother and his friends. Mitsuo runs with his friends to the lighthouse's stand, but Kirie yells at him to get far away from the lighthouse. When he's about to get off with his friends, they notices the lighthouse's door is opened and runs inside. Kirie then chases after them and discovers burnt up corpses. After walking up for a while, she notices the walls start to be decorated with spirals. When she reaches the top, she find Mitsuo and one of his friends inside a room with a giant melted circle shaped like spiral. The entire room was melted. The lens at the top were Fresnel lens, but because it was melted out of shape it looked like a sprial. Then, Kirie notices its turning to night and tells the two boys to downstairs. The lightbeam must have been so hot it melted the entire room and burned the men who went inside.
While trying to run down stairs, one of the two boys trip and burned up. Kirie and Mitsuo did make it out alive but they have burns all over their body. Six bodies were later discovered inside the lighthouse which made people say it'll be demolished some day.